The competition, open to both professional and amateur photographers, seeks a new look at the beauty and photogenic features of one of the most historic sporting events on the national and international scene and the festival of International Tourist Interest in Asturias.
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Any person, resident in Spain or abroad, as a professional or amateur enthusiast, may participate in the competition with the exception of immediate family members of the judges. Registration is free.
The slogan “Descenso Internacional del Sella”, allows participation under two headings:
1. Popular (the main element should be some symbol of the festival of the Descenso Internacional del Sella other than a competitor or their craft)
2. Sport (if the main element of the image is a canoeist or canoe competing in the race or in their classification for the event)
Each participant can present a maximum of four entries, two for each of the prior headings.
Participants must assume total responsibility as sole authors of the work presented as well as confirming that no third parties rights exist in relation to said work.
For those entries which include persons, the author is responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of the photograph, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the exhibition and use of the photograph in the manner set forth in these Official Rules. If any person appearing in any photograph is under the age of majority in their state/province/territory of residence the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required on each release.
Entries including content which may prove upsetting, sensitive in nature or which may prove offensive to the human dignity of anyone will not be admitted.
Under no circumstances can participants present photographs for which they are not the legitimate owners. The organization will assume no responsibility for any question related with third-party claims with respect to the authorship of the images published, this responsibility falling solely upon the participants who fail to comply in this matter.
Photographs should not bear any signature, watermark or any symbol which could identify their author or are unrelated to the photograph.
Photomontages will not be accepted. Digital development and zone system treatment is permitted. In case of doubt, the competition jury may request the original file from the author for checking purposes with a 254ppp resolution and a size of 2000 pixels on its longest side. Those photographs which do not comply with these measurements will be rejected. Those images reaching the final should afterwards be supplied in their original size for exhibition printing purposes.
Entries should be submitted via the following electronic mail address;
The reference on the message should read: “Photograph competition Descenso Internacional del Sella”. Up to a maximum of four photographs, may be attached with the file name bearing the photograph title. Also to be attached is a Word or pdf document bearing the details of the author (Name and surname(s), telephone, email, postal code, town/city, province and country ) as well as a list of the photographs presented and their respective titles (which should coincide with the file names).
The submission period for photographs commences at 24:00 hours on the 6th August 2017 and ends at 24:00 hours on the 20th August 2017. Entries submitted after the end of the entry period will not be admitted.
The competition jury will select 10 finalist photographs from which the same jury will select the first three ranked in order of classification. The decision of the jury will be made in the days following the end of the entry period and will be communicated by the Organization directly to the prize-winners and participants.
The jury will be formed by renowned photographers and tourism professionals who will evaluate the images taken in terms of their creativity and technical quality. Their decision will be binding and they will reserve the right to declare any of the prizes void.
1st prize of each category is 700 Euros.
2nd prize of each category is 300 Euros.
The following year the photographs of the finalists and prize-winners will be exhibited between the dates of the 15 July and 15 August.
The intellectual property and the authorship of the photographs will always belong to the author. The author grants his/her consent to the Organization for the use of the image for advertising purposes in its publications, but without this use conferring to the author, any right of remuneration or gain. The Organisation will indicate the author´s name in any future printed reproductions or via any digital content or media.
The personal data provided by the PARTICIPANT, necessary to establish authorship, will not be incorporated to any automated data file, only maintaining by the finalist or winning image the name and surname of the author.
All non-winning photographs, together with their files and data will be kept as a documentary archive of the Organization of the Sella.
Participation in this competition supposes the complete acceptance of all and each of these rules and the binding decision of the jury. Any question not contemplated by these rules will be resolved according to the criteria of the Organization.
February 2017
Translation by Joanna Maria Bashford Fernández